As a mortgage transaction can be very intense, we at Pivot Lending Group wanted to give you a head start in preparing. When applying for a mortgage, general and personal information is needed to process and approve your loan request. Please see the list below for the documents that will be required for any residential mortgage loan. Please also note that the list below is likely not the entirety of what will be required, due to circumstances specific to you and your transaction. That said, gathering the list below will be a great head start!
Income Documentation:
- 30 Days Most Recent Paystubs‐showing year to date earnings (All Borrowers)
- W‐2 or 1099 forms‐most recent two years (All Borrowers)
- IF YOU ARE SELF EMPLOYED, please also send 2 years personal FEDERAL tax returns any applicable Business returns and copies of your K‐1’s.
- List of assets, including bank statements, mutual fund statements, brokerage statements and records of other investments or assets, AS APPLICABLE.
- 60 days’ worth of statements (Credit Union, Bank or both) for all accounts you may need to document.
- Current mortgage statement.
- Homeowners insurance agent (name and phone number)
- Copy of Driver’s License(s)
- Bankruptcy docs (if applicable)
- Full Divorce decree and separation agreement (if applicable)
Do’s and Don’ts
The DO List:
- Be sure to read and understand everything before signing.
- Engage this process with attention and detail.
- Be upfront about all sources of funds you will use to close the loan.
- Be upfront about any credit problems you have or have had in the past.
- Be as accurate as possible regarding all information on your loan application.
- If you have questions at any point throughout the process, contact your loan officer or processor immediately.
The DON’T List:
- Do not sign blank documents.
- Do not apply for other types of debt, unless you’ve consulted your loan officer first.
- Do not change jobs, or begin self‐employment during the loan process.
- Do not involve CASH in this transaction unless it can be documented.
- Do not make large deposits into accounts being reviewed without speaking to your loan officer.